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Dates & deadlines
Friday-Monday, 02.05.-05.05.2025: 08.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
On Monday, 05.05.2025, it will no longer be possible to enter the halls from 12:00 noon!
Friday, 09.05.2025: 3.30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.
Saturday, 10.05.2025: 08.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Important Informations:
On Monday, 05 May 2025, it will no longer be possible to enter the halls from 12:00 noon. From Sunday, 04 May 2025, it will only be possible to drive into the exhibition grounds after paying a deposit of € 30.00 (for cars 1 hour and trucks 2 hours).
Special set-up times are only possible after obtaining authorisation from the exhibition management and in the presence of a security guard (€ 50.00/hour). The maximum permissible stand construction height is 2.50 metres. Stand heights above this must be authorised by the exhibition management.
Note: Please note that any goods brought onto the stand are not insured by us! For this reason, we strongly advise you to take out stand insurance or, if necessary, stand security.
After dismantling, the exhibition area must be restored to its original condition. The exhibitor is liable for damage caused by improper
the exhibitor is liable. The organiser is entitled to dismantle and store stand equipment and exhibits at the exhibitor's expense,
if the stand area has not been cleared by the official end of dismantling.
No stand may be cleared in whole or in part before the end of the event. Exhibitors who fail to do so must pay a contractual penalty of € 5,000.00.
Flying points: The construction of all flying points/ceiling suspensions must be ordered in good time in advance of the trade fair from the CMI contractual partner responsible for this. The maximum permissible loads must not be exceeded in accordance with the static specifications.
Assembly instructions for closed rooms & built-over stands
Smoke detectors are mandatory in the area below the built-over stand area, on the ground floor of the stand, when constructing floor stands at the Innsbruck Exhibition Center / Messe Innsbruck.
Once you have sent us the plan of your stand for submission, you will be informed of the prescribed placement points for the smoke detectors and the associated costs. For the smoke detectors and the associated costs. Please comply with this official regulation!
In principle, every room in the stand area that has a closed ceiling must be fitted with a smoke detector! After examination and possible approval of the submitted stand plans, the installation of the smoke detectors will be carried out by a licensed company commissioned by Messe Innsbruck during the set-up period by arrangement. The costs are to be borne by the stand tenant!